Friday, September 23, 2011

Face It

Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back will mean facing my past. I've been running from it for so long.
[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]
Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for?
Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in the past.
Simba: Yeah, but it still hurts.
Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.
[swings his stick at Simba again who ducks out of the way]
Rafiki: Ha. You See? So what are you going to do? 
(Taken from The Lion King, Disney, 1994)

So many of us have pasts we wish we could forget. This could be an entire lifetime of regrets, or simply bits and pieces. Our pain may have been self inflicted, or perhaps, caused by someone else. Addictions, abuse, hurtful words, silence, anger...these are just a few of the reasons people regret and fear their pasts. But why? Really, why do we force ourselves to continue reliving terrible, hurtful experiences instead of giving them to God? By holding on to those moments, we are holding back on our full potential relationship with God.

Forgiveness is difficult. Very difficult. But it is healthy, and it is necessary. Whether that means forgiving yourself for whatever you aren’t willing to let go of from your past, or forgiving that person who so badly hurt you.

Give it to God. When you do that, you are not only strengthening your relationship with God, but you are allowing yourself to move forward in life. It is good to acknowledge the things we need to improve on in life. I encourage all of us to try and learn from our mistakes when beginning each new day. That being said...don’t hold on to them. Allow the past to be just that-the past.

Here’s something some of you may not be ready for:

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done; God forgives you.

Need to hear that one more time? Here it comes. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done; God forgives you.  Honestly. Otherwise, what was the point of this Jesus guy? He didn't come to earth to be crucified, die, and rise again for the fun of it.  No, he did it for that we could be forgiven. So that we could be given a constant fresh start.

Of course, we want to try and fix our errors. We want to live right and do right by God.  But even if we make the same mistake 200,000 times, God will forgive us. 

Take some time and talk to God. Yes, right now. Put down this paper or turn off your computer and have a chat with God. Face your past. Tell God all of your regrets...even if it hurts.  Allow God to take them from you. I PROMISE God can handle them...and WANTS to handle them. And you are going to feel like a whole new person when you truly allow that to happen. I promise that too.

God is good. All the time.

Blessed By Blessing

It's been a while...and for that, I am sorry. Summer's tend to take me away from technology, and although I enjoy the events that take it's place, I am always happy to return to my "regularly scheduled programming".

As many of you know, a group of youth and adults from Our Saviour’s recently returned from a mission trip to Pine Ridge, South Dakota. It’s funny, because if you ask the youth what the best part of the trip was, most of them will answer with something like, “How much I gained from the trip.”

As Christians, we are called to serve. We are called to trust that God will be there to meet our needs and we are asked to give everything of ourselves for Jesus.

It’s hard.

On the mission trip, several youth were required to step out of their comfort zones-and I’m not talking one or two steps out of their comfort zones-I’m talking miles. Youth were asked to clean up trash, place coat upon coat of paint on old buildings, create baseball diamonds out of snake infested fields, and befriend small children who may not have any other positive contact in their lives. Our days were tiring and taxing, but God was there. Not one time did any youth ever complain about the work they were asked to do. They didn’t complain about their site, their job, their co-workers, the heat...nothing. They literally gave their all-every ounce of physical, emotional, and mental strength they had was left in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. And yet, the
comment remains, “How much I gained on the trip.”

How can you gain something after giving everything?

A few weeks ago, we talked about Jesus feeding 5,000 (more like 10,000 if you count women and children) with just two loaves of bread and five fish. I don’t know about you, but if someone came to me today and old me to feed that number of people with those supplies, I would probably laugh in their face. Not Possible! But Jesus knew otherwise. Jesus knew that God can take what we have and multiply it to glorify His kingdom. Jesus knew that God is bigger than all of our problems and concerns, and Jesus knew that God would not only feed those people, but would provide enough for leftovers.


So, basically, if I’m reading this right (and I’m always right, by the way), what the mission trip kids were saying is that the more they gave of themselves, the more God filled them. Which in turn, led the kids to feeling so fulfilled and excited to give, that they gave more, and were thus even more fulfilled. Are you seeing the cycle here?

God has a plan for each and every one of us. Allow God to work in your life. Trust that God will keep your needs met and allow you the strength to “do the impossible.” What could your two fish and five loaves turn into? Just something to think about.

God is good. All the time